Τρίτη 26 Απριλίου 2011

Me and Nightwish!

So, i think it's time i tell you about my history with Nightwish.How i found out about them, how they came to be my favourite band!

The first time i heard the name Nightwish it was when i saw a cd my brother had recently bought called "Once" which had an awesome cover.It was summer at the time (2005 i think).Just out of curiosity i checked the tracklist on the backside and i came across a song titled "Nemo".I found it strange since at the time i was around 10 or 11 and the only "Nemo" i knew was the fish so i thought that there was a relation between the two.After about 5-6 months(if i remember correctly) i listened to my first Nightwish song: "Wish I Had An Angel" which i didn't like at first mostly because i found Marco's vocals kind of creepy.But at the same time i started kind-of- listening to Within Temptation(and i was also kind-of-listening to Evanescence at the time).
Then late 2006-early 2007 my brother had to travel so i borrowed him my ipod(since his had broken).He imported the "End Of An Era" into it (and maybe "Once").After that in the summer of 2007 i listened to the intro of "Nemo" on a greek commercial about ships and fell in love with it!Since i already had it on my ipod i listened to it like a thousand times!And then listened to "End Of An Era" and liked some songs, mostly "Bless The Child"After that i imported the discography of Nightwish (which my brother had)on my ipod.The first album i lestened to was the compilation "Highest Hopes" and found the songs "The Kinslayer", "Stargazers" and "Over Tthe Hills and Far Away" quite interesting!
"Wishmaster" was the next song i fell in love with!
Then in September came the album with the new singer (which as i already said on the Anette post sometimes didn't even knew which singer was singing)"Dark Passion Play".In the beginning i only liked "Bye Bye Beautiful", "Eva", and "Amaranth" and after sometime "The Islander" and "For The Heart I Once Had".

In March Nightwish visited Greece but of course then i wouldn't travel to a different city to see them live since i wasn't that big a fan  and neither did my brother but for different reasons.In the end of March me and my family traveled to London and Nightwish were having a gig there, my brother couldn't believe his luck!I couldn't go since i was only 13 and the club had an age restriction so that only people of age 14 or older could go(i only had 2 months left too become 14) so i was a little sad but not that much since as i already said i wasn't really a fan back then.My brother booked his ticket but unfortunately the website he bought it from sold him a regural ticket for the prize of a -front-row-one.My brother was really angry and decided not to go to the gig upset as he was.
Then in the Summer i fell in love with "The Poet And The Pendulum" and i still am.I think it's a masterpiece and Tuomas' Magnum Opus!

But anyway,after that it was Summer 2009 when i really started loving Nighwish!I watched the "End Of An Era" Dvd and the concert in Lowlands from 2008 in youtube and loved it! "Dark Chest Of Wonders","Romanticide", "Sahara", "Ghost Love Score","The Siren" and "Ever Dream" are some of the songs i started listening to back then!I knew then that Nightwish was and would be for a long time my favourite band!After that i started listening to most of their songs and by the Summer of 2010(when i also read "Once Upon A Nightwish")i would listen to almost any Nightwish song!Of course there are still some which i wouldn't listen to easily but only when in the mood and some that i haven't listened to that much(mostly some bonus tracks).
I really want to meet the band sometime and i hope that when they visit Greece there will be some kind of Meet & Greet where you will be able to talk with the band in person!
I can't wait for the album and i hope that it will be a Masterpiece like the previous ones!

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